Accession to mortgaged property
Section 70 of the TP Act Section 70 refers to the mortgagee's right to accessions to the mortgaged property. Section 63 deals with the expression "accession to mortgaged property" where mortgaged property in possession of the mortgagee has, during the continuance of the mortgage, recieved any accession, the mortgagor, upon redemption shall, in the absence of a contract to the contrary, be entitled as against mortgagee to such accession. There can be natural accessions which are incorporated in the mortgaged property, from part of the mortgagee's security, and revert to the mortgagor upon redemption.
Please see :
Baljit Singh v. Cunnington 1984 SCC OnLine All 106 / AIR 1984 All 209
Krishna Gopal Sadhani v. A.B. Miller, 1902 SCC OnLine Cal 250 / ILR (1902) 29 Cal 803
Macleod v. Kissan ILR (1906) 30 Bom 250
Atmakur Venkatasubbiah Chetty v. Devipurasundary Ammal 1964 SCC Onl Bom 250
Satte Bala Devi v. Sworna Moyee Devi 1938 SCC OnLine Cal 281 4 AIR 1939 Cal 275 - also.