Adhesion Contracts

Adhesion Contracts

                      Black's Law Dictionary  defines  Adhesion Contract as , " a standrad form contract prepared by one party to be signed by the party in a weaker position, usually a consumer, who has little choice about the terms. Also termed contract of adhesion; adhesory contract; adhesionary contract; take it or leave it contract ; leonire contract. 

                          Adhesion contracts are otherwise called statndard form contracts. Contracts of Insurance are one of such category of contracts. These contracts are prepared by the insurer having a standard format upon which a consumer is made to sign. He has a very little option or choice to negotiate the terms of the contract,  excpet to sign on the dotted lines. The insurer, who being the dominant party dictates its own terms, leaving it open the consumer, either to take it or leave it. Such contracts are obviously one-sided, grossly in favour of the insurer due to the weak bragaining power of the consumer. 

Please see : 

              Texco Marketing Pvt. Ltd. v. TATA AIG Gen. Ins.Coy.Ltd and Ors.  (2023) 1 SCC 428  also.